Wednesday, August 10, 2011

#77: Deadlines are unexpectedly extended

#77: It makes my day when…………..Deadlines are unexpectedly extended.
Depending on what type of person you are, you will love this or hate this one. I confess that I am the type of person that does assignments at the last minute. I have spent many nights up until 2am finishing assignments before the next day deadline. Rather than you think that I am unorganised, I would prefer you think that I thrive more under pressure.
However I still get totally amped when I find out that a deadline has been extended. It may be for an assignment or these days it is more likely to be a tender submission at work or simply an extension for mundane task that needs to be completed.
Doesn’t this make you happy?
Even though getting an extension may not mean that I complete the task any sooner than the day before it is due (Like I said I thrive on pressure) it does mean that I get to have a few more stress free nights.
Happy times!
Becstar x

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